A letter from Sacred S!ut

I was stopped at a coffee shop by a woman who follows my work. She shared how much she loved my first book, Unravel the Bullsh*t, and expressed she was a little nervous to join BETWEEN THE SHEETS live for the next evolution of my work.


I thanked her and listened compassionately as she shared her nerves.


We ended up having a beautiful conversation about our Sacred Sexuality. How our sexual nature and desires are our divine birthright, and absolutely god-given.


I explained more about BETWEEN THE SHEETS and how this evolution of my work was even teased a little bit in my first book, reminding her of the “Fort Lauderdale” poem where I explained in great detail meeting one of my best lovers for the very first time. She recalled the section, and immediately understood the direction I am going.


I am still evolving what to call this style of writing, but it’s somewhere between erotic poetry and a collection of sexy short stories.


It is not linear, in structure, like the first book - so perhaps we shall call it “a collection of erotic poetry + sexy short stories”


Waaa-LA! Thanks for helping me work through that LOL ☺️


We proceeded to have an even more in-depth conversation about all of the feminine archetypes that we grow through in our lifetime, and how my intention with BETWEEN THE SHEETS is to say all the juicy shit you’re already thinking about!


“That really is your gift,” she said “that’s really what you did in Unravel the Bullsh*t as well.”


Gay Hendericks teaches about our zones of genius, zones of excellence, and zones of competence in life. Holding sacred space for others, and sharing/teaching on taboo uncomfortable conversations really are my zone of genius.


I’d learned through my previous “careers” what my zones of excellence are, no doubt - but I am really owning being a Sacred Sexuality Alchemist as my true zone of genius.


Dr. Joe Dispenza describes an alchemist as an “expert at transmutation; a practitioner capable of mystical transformation at the highest levels of order. A problem-solver; a life-changer; and unlimited creator.”


Identifying as a Life Coach and a Success Coach for so long is definitely my zone of excellence, but always felt so limiting to me. Facilitating life-changing transformation in the realm of Sacred Sexuality is my pure zone of genius.


This conversation in the coffee shop reflected this so beautiful to me.


So, from your favorite Sacred Slut - BETWEEN THE SHEETS is the next evolution of Morgan Chonis transmuting into the Sacred Sexuality Alchemist.


If you’re ready to share this intimate space with me, I invite you in BETWEEN THE SHEETS with me.


If you aren’t ready, but you are still reading + feeling a bit more intrigued - I am here to offer you this reflection. Your soul is ready. It is my job to call you UP! I invite you to join me inside BETWEEN THE SHEETS for a conversation your soul has been craving.


Click here to join this FREE event


Your in growth + healing,


xo - M.


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